How can you help?
To support Al Ummah Foundations growing impact around the world, the charity is currently looking for enthusiastic volunteers in UK.
We currently have following volunteering positions in the UK. Click on each position to find more about each role.
Project officer
Lead on effective implementation of our relief operations across different regions. Click here
Graphics designer
An experienced and knowledgeable graphics designer is needed to deliver the charity’s print, online and media graphics content. Click here
Social media administrator
An experienced and knowledgeable social media and communication coordinator is needed to deliver the charity’s online and media content. Click here
Media Manager
An experienced and knowledgeable media manager is needed to deliver the charity’s print, online and media output and to manage our team of media administrators. Click here
To apply for any of these roles, please email your CV and covering letter to volunteer@al-ummahfoundaiton.org