Ways to donate
You can make a donation by making a payment directly into our account, or making a cheque payable to ‘Al Ummah Foundation’.
Al Ummah Foundation
Natwest Bank
Sort Code: 60-24-23
Account Number: 95129855
IBAN: GB07NWBK60242395129855
If you like to donate to a specific cause, please speficify this as reference when making bank transfer.
Alternatively, you can donate using secure online buttons below towards specific projects.
General Donation
Donating to our general funds mean it will be used towards where it is most needed.
Using bank transfer – use ref: ‘general fund’
Our Projects
If you would like to make donation towards a specific cause, you can do so on links below.
Using bank transfer – use ref: ‘Water’ or ‘Education’
Help contribute towards running costs of Al Ummah foundation
Al-Ummah Foundation is 100% donation policy. Any administration costs is covered by board members and supporters who like to help towards running costs of the charity. All our members and staff who are working for Al Ummah Foundation are doing so voluntarily. Our admin costs are minimal, covers logistics and online payment provider fees. If you would like to help contribute towards running of Al Ummah Foundation, you can do so in following ways. Any surplus amount in administration pot is also used towards our projects.
Bank Transfer – Use ref ‘adminpot’