Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a child and let them prosper on their own two feet….it’s an immensely rewarding experience! Why not ask your family & friends to create a collective sponsorship initiative and help us reach to as many underprivileged children and communities around the world?
Please note this list is changing all the time, and we have many more child waiting to be sponsored.
As their only sponsor, you’ll have a special relationship with your sponsored child. You’ll receive photos and regular updates on their progress. Please note this list is changing all the timer
Please click here to Sponsor a child today to provide scholarship for financial aid for the children. You can commit to sponsor a child monthly, yearly or for entire duration of their education. We will be in touch with to provide you with details of the child and discuss any queries you may have. Be sure to add the Child name and Child ID in the message. Select Other amount and enter the amount mentioned next to the child above and whether you like to support this child one off, monthly or yearly.
Or if you prefer, you can setup monthly standing order for £25, our bank details below.
Al Ummah Foundation
Natwest Bank
Sort Code: 60-24-23
Account Number: 95129855
Send us an email at info@al-ummahfoundation.org, with the name and reference of the child you wish to sponsor. We will respond to you within 7 days to confirm everything.
By sponsoring a child, you’ll help us work with local communities to make sure children stay in education and unlock a child’s potential. Your support will mean that children in some of the poorest parts of the world can look forward to a brighter future.
What will my child sponsorship pay for?
Education – Schoolbooks, fees, equipment. In some cases, accommodation.
Food – Nutritious meals for children at school.
Healthcare – Where needed, we will also provide healthcare for the child you are sponsoring.