One of the biggest contributors to global poverty is lack of access to education. At Al Ummah Foundation, we believe that education is a fundamental tool that provides countless opportunities for all. It is a driving force for social change and is a way out of poverty for millions of people around the world who simply want an opportunity to learn and enhance prospects for themselves and their families alike.
Al Ummah Foundation is supporting orphans and underprivileged children with educational projects in Bangladesh and shall be expanding to many other countries around the world in the future. It is hoped that one day we are in a position to create orphanages or schools to cater for the specific needs of the area, ranging from classrooms serving remote communities to campuses serving large groups of poor and disadvantaged children. Our long-term dream is to support these schools or orphanages with educational facilities, provide healthy nutritional meals and safe accommodation. We hope that you can be part of that dream and help us serve mankind in the best way possible. Ameen.
The following facts about education are a snapshot of the problem and indicate how difficult it is for children in poverty to overcome the obstacles they face and escape their circumstances.
In order to effectively fight poverty around the world, the lack of education for children in developing countries, especially for girls, must be addressed.
- In 2015, the total number of illiterate adults reached 745.1 million.
- About 114 million young people, still lack basic reading and writing skills. Two-thirds (63 percent) are women.
- Girls make up 53 percent of the global population of children out of school.
- Thirty-nine percent of the worldwide poor have no formal education at all.