100% Donation Policy
We believe that every penny donated by our generous donors is spent on charitable projects without excluding any costs for administration.
Donations change and save lives from the vicious cycle of poverty and inequalities around the world. Whether people donate a £1 or £1000, every single penny helps and goes a long way into helping those facing challenges in their lives and it is incumbent on us to help others less fortunate in their hour of need. It is for this reason alone, we at Al Ummah Foundation have operated on a 100% donation policy since the formation of our charity.
Al Ummah Foundation will be creating a separate bank account to cover administration costs and shall draw upon our own sources for funding.
General Donation
You can donate directly into our account or make a cheque payable to ‘Al Ummah Foundation’.
Al Ummah Foundation
Natwest Bank
Sort Code: 60-24-23
Account Number: 95129855
Alternatively, you can donate using our secure NowDonate button.