Al Ummah Foundation received a request to install a hand water pump ( tubewell ) in a rural village of Assamgaon in the district of Sunamganj, Bangladesh. Five families will benefit from having a hand water pump in this area. There are over 35 people in total plus nearby villages will also benefit. Currently these families consume water by collecting water from far away in bulk, walking long distances. There is no access to clean water within close proximity. The beneficiary and the other families are very poor and have little or no savings, therefore qualify for sadaqah.

The hand water pump has been installed on the land of the beneficiary and is in an open area where it will be accessible to anyone that requires it, without any restriction. As a result of this project, the families now have unlimited access to fresh clean water, for drinking and domestic use within close proximity. Reliable access to safe, clean water now means that drinking, cooking, washing, watering crops and animals and making wudu no longer pose a risk of illness to these families.
This whole project was donated by a regular donor as Sadaqah Jariyah for a loved one.
Village: Assamgaon, Meroo khola
P.0. Meroo kholaP.S. Bishwambarpur
District: Sunamganj
Country: Bangladesh
our ref: auftw85