
Al Ummah Foundation received a request to install a hand water pump (Tubewell) in the rural village of Romjanpur in Biswanath, Bangladesh. This tubewell was requested to be placed in a very rural and isolated area, where four families, totalling 30 people, live. They live in a very secluded area where there are just crop fields nearby. In order to collect water, the family members travel to a nearby village, which takes time and is inconvenient. As there are four families in the area, they need to stockpile water to make sure there is enough to last throughout the day and during the night. Collecting this much water is difficult, and is increasingly so when there are poor weather conditions such as monsoon rain or during intense heat. 

Providing a tubewell for this area will be tremendously beneficial. The water provided from this tubewell benefits four families, made of many women and young children. They will now have clean fresh water for drinking and washing and will not have to rely on others in order to collect water. They will never have to ration themselves or live in fear of running out of water and will now be spared the inconvenience of having to travel great distances and bear the weight of heavy loads of carrying water. 

The benefits of this tubewell are also twofold, as there are farmers working on the surrounding land who come to this village in order to collect water to drink whilst working tirelessly. This means this tubewell will benefit many more people than just the families living there. The families have also promised to allow anyone who needs water to have access to the tubewell, thus it has become a source of Sadaqa for them as well. 


Having conducted our ground research, we were satisfied that the needs of these villagers were genuine and that this project meets the vision and aims that Al Ummah Foundation believes in; to install tube wells/provision of vital fresh water for drinking and domestic use. After various challenges with getting to water on the ground due to the location of the field, Alhamdulliah, this project was completed by Feb of 2020. This hand water project was donated by regular donor, May Allah bless them abundantly.


Village: Romjanpur, Police Station: Bishwanath, District: Sylhet, Country: Bangladesh


Hand water pump - Romjanpur - biswanath - Bangladesh
Hand water pump - Romjanpur - biswanath - Bangladesh

our ref: auftw23

Hand Water Pump – Romjanpur – Biswanath – Sylhet