Village: Daulatpur, Post Office: Dewan Bazar. P.S. Balagonj, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Al Ummah Foundation received a request for a new tubewell to be placed for families in the village of Doulathpur in the district of Balagonj. Currently, there are 11 families in this village having to travel on foot to a nearby village to collect water when permitted. This poses many problems for these families such as:
- Women and young children having to travel a long distance on foot to collect water and
carry heavy loads of water back to their homes - Having to collect water in bulk in order to make sure they have enough to last them
through the night. - Limiting the amount of water they can use
Travelling to the nearby village poses a problem during rainy days. All of the families requiring the tubewell to be installed come from an agricultural background and are poor and struggling to provide for their families. They would greatly benefit from having a hand water pump (tubewell) within their village and having unlimited access to water for drinking, sanitation and crops.
Having conducted our ground research, we were satisfied that the needs of these villagers were genuine and that this project meets the vision and aims that Al Ummah Foundation believes in; to install tube wells/provision of vital fresh water for drinking and domestic use. After various challenges due to covid-19 restrictions, Alhamdulliah, this project was completed by Summer of 2020.
our ref: auftw24