Feed the Rohingya food pack distribution 2020 | Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
The food of one person is enough for two, and the food of two people is
– (Sahih Muslim)
enough for four, and the food of four people is enough for eight

With the support of Restless Beings, Al Ummah Foundation was able to mobilise a food distribution operation during and after the month of Ramadan. Food packs were distributed to families in the Cox’s Bazar refugee camp which houses thousands of Rohingya people fleeing from the oppressive regime in Burma for a safe haven.
The Rohingya people’s plight is felt by many around the world but most are helpless to provide support in their hour of need. This situation was further exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic which has indiscriminately taken the lives of millions around the world while restricting aid and impeding logistical operations locally.
With Allah’s mercy and our donors warm hearts and generosity, we were able to reach and deliver much needed food packs to families facing an uncertain future and not knowing when or if their next meal will come. The food packs contained vital and nutritious items for a family of 5/6 people for a period of approximately 4 weeks.
Alhamdulillah, the food packs were distributed in two separate circulations. The first circulation of 50 food packs was distributed on the last 10 days of Ramadan, this was funded from donations made before 27th night of Ramadan. The second circulation of 250 food packs were distributed after Ramadan. This was from donations raised after the 27th night of Ramadan.
Al Ummah Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank all our donors for their generous support during this Ramadan. Your support has allowed us to change the lives of hundreds of people and support them in their times of need. With Allah’s will, we had a great response to our Feed the Rohingya urgent appeal and raised enough to distribute a total of 300 food packs.
SubhanAllah. May Allah accept all our donors humble endeavours and reward them abundantly. Ameen.